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Regal Cape Cod Mall Stadium 12 – Hyannis Massachusetts

Regal Cape Cod Mall Stadium 12 Movie Theater Located in Hyannis, Massachusetts.

Regal Cape Cod Mall Stadium 12 is a movie theater located in Hyannis, Massachusetts. It is a modern movie theater that belongs to the Regal consolidated chain of theaters. These theaters usually provide amenities such as online ticketing, reserved seating, mobile ticketing, and play the latest movie releases. When ordering tickets for the Regal Cape Cod Mall Stadium 12, it’s possible to earn theater rewards, and qualify for discounts and special rewards.

Get Showtimes for Regal Cape Cod Mall Stadium 12 Now.

movie theater

Communities will often hold “movie in the park” type of event in the warmer times of the year like Spring and Summer. Plenty of people avoid getting involved with community events, but this is nothing to pass up! Free movies outside are one of the life’s simplest pleasures.

See if you can start writing movie reviews for newspapers, local publications or online sites and start getting paid to go to the movies or free admission.

Movie Theater Loyalty Programs

Movie theater loyalty programs give some of the best deals. If you frequent either Regal Cinemas or AMC, joining is a no-brainer because it’s completely free. AMC also offers a premium paid membership that may be valuable if you watch a lot of movies. Take a look at two of the largest movie theater chain’s loyalty programs, but don’t forget to check if any smaller chains near you offer something similar.

Movie gift cards can often be found with a 10-20% discount from gift card marketplaces such as SaveYa, Gift Card Zen, and Raise. Using a tool like Gift Card Wiki is a great way to see which marketplace offers the best deal on any given brand. In addition to searching for the specific theater’s gift card you are looking for, don’t forget to check movie ticket websites like Fandango as well. Keep in mind buying tickets online often comes with additional fees that going directly to the box office won’t have.

Visit daily deal sites. Websites like Groupon and LivingSocial have offered deals on movie prices through ticketing websites, such as Fandango. Oftentimes, these offers will be for a certain percentage off or for a flat rate price for two tickets. It’s worth checking before heading out to the theater to see if any good deals are currently available.

There are many ways you can save money on tickets at the movie theater.

Many theaters periodically host marathons of related movies. While admission is more expensive than an individual ticket, it is often less than what you’d pay to see each movie separately.

Becoming a member of local film societies is a great way to save money at local and independent theaters. Members are often entitled to discounted tickets plus a whole lot of other perks such as free concessions, advance booking opportunities, and first shot at advanced screenings.

5 Quick Ways to Save Money at the Movie Theater | GOBankingRates – Check out these 5 quick ways to save.

Just in Time for Summer: 11 Ways to Free Movies and Discounted Tickets | HuffPost – Like free movies? Check out these 11 tips!

Free and cheap movie theater deals in Atlanta – Several movie theaters around Atlanta offer deals on tickets and food.

13 Things a Movie Theater Employee Won?t Tell You | Reader’s Digest – Find out behind the scenes info about your favorite place to see the next blockbuster.

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