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Cinemark 17 and IMAX – Dallas Texas

Cinemark 17 and IMAX Movie Theater Located in Dallas, Texas.

Cinemark 17 and IMAX is a movie theater located in Dallas, Texas. It is a modern movie theater that belongs to the Cinemark consolidated chain of theaters. These theaters usually provide amenities such as online ticketing, reserved seating, mobile ticketing, and play the latest movie releases. When ordering tickets for the Cinemark 17 and IMAX, it’s possible to earn theater rewards, and qualify for discounts and special rewards.

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movie theater

There are sites and methods that work for a variety of different needs. Try several out and see which one works best for you.

Movie Theater Popcorn Hack

To get the butter in the middle of your popcorn, take a straw and put it all the way into your popcorn. Connect this to the butter machine, and push the button. The butter will go down the straw and will flow into the middle of the tub.

At some movie theaters, they offer small containers to put the butter in incase you need to refill later during the film. The straw method can be applied here as well. Just pour the butter from the container into the straw to get it into the middle of the tub.

Buying Tickts Directly From the Movie Theater

A lot of people get their tickets from home instead of standing in line. You can cut those fees by getting your tickets straight from the box office. Sometimes, you can get discounts by avoiding the most convenient option.

Movie Ticket Reward Points

A lot of people are members of some type of rewards program. It could be credit cards rewards points, or something more like MyCokeRewards. Regardless of what it is, you should look into the rewards catalog and see what you can get. Many rewards programs offer free movie tickets as a form of reward, and what’s even better is that you don’t need massive points built up like you do for Frequent Flyer Miles.

If you go to a lot of movies, have a larger family, or can split the set of tickets with friends, taking advantage of bulk movie ticket rates will probably make a lot of sense. They all never expire, so even if it takes a couple years to go through them, the savings might still make pre-paying all of your tickets worth it. After paying for shipping, the cost per ticket will range from $8-9.50 depending on the chain selected. That can cut the price per ticket in half compared to buying at the box office in a high cost of living location.

Encourage your company to move their next big corporate event or meeting to the big screen. Theaters provide free concessions and usually a private screening of a new release to corporations that rent out their theaters for business meetings.

Cineplexes are scrambling to make the moviegoing experience special again. Offering ever greater levels of luxury amenities and exclusivity. Theater owners hope to lure more customers away from their Netflix, movies on-demand, giant screen HD TVs, and tablets.

There are many ways you can save money on tickets at the movie theater.

Start up friendships with your local theater’s personnal. Maybe one day you’ll get waived through the line with a wink and a smile or score a free popcorn.

Purchase bulk tickets

You may be surprised to learn that you can buy movie tickets in bulk. Though you’re unlikely to see a great discount coming from it unless you’re buying a lot of tickets, it’s still worth looking into. If you’re buying upwards of hundreds of tickets, the $3 or $4 discount per ticket is going to start adding up in a really big way. For anyone who has a need for so many tickets (or is willing to really invest in seeing movies), this is a viable option.

The Ultimate Movie Theater Discount Hacking Guide ? Money Metagame – Check out this ultimate movie theater discount guide.

3 Ways To Save Money At The Movies – Did you know hat you can save money even at the movies? Hearing it for the first time? Then click through to learn how to save money at the movies.

New Ways for Fans to Save Money on Movies | Moviefone – Movie fans complain a lot about the cost of watching films.

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