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AMC Gulf Pointe 30 – Houston Texas

AMC Gulf Pointe 30 Movie Theater Located in Houston, Texas.

AMC Gulf Pointe 30 is a movie theater located in Houston, Texas. It is a modern movie theater that belongs to the AMC consolidated chain of theaters. These theaters usually provide amenities such as online ticketing, reserved seating, mobile ticketing, and play the latest movie releases. When ordering tickets for the AMC Gulf Pointe 30, it’s possible to earn theater rewards, and qualify for discounts and special rewards.

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movie theater

To get a good ticket deal, choose different times of the day. Cheaper tickets are usually available in the morning and afternoon for matinee showings. For maximum discounts, you should:

  • Go early in the day – Pre-noon is the cheapest time of day, and some companies offer early bird programs to fill those empty seats.
  • Go on weekdays – Not everybody is capable of getting out to see a movie on a weekday, but if you can, you’ll reap the discounts. Since the ideal movie time is nighttime or on a weekend, midday on a weekday is going to be much cheaper.
  • Cheap Theaters – If you can handle it, why not wait until the movie goes to the ‘cheap theaters?’ Most towns have a discount theater that shows second-run and retro throwback movies. Unless you need to see the movie urgently, you can wait until it comes to these theaters and pick up tickets for $1-$5.

Movie Theater Loyalty Programs

Movie theater loyalty programs give some of the best deals. If you frequent either Regal Cinemas or AMC, joining is a no-brainer because it’s completely free. AMC also offers a premium paid membership that may be valuable if you watch a lot of movies. Take a look at two of the largest movie theater chain’s loyalty programs, but don’t forget to check if any smaller chains near you offer something similar.

It can cost an additional $8-$10 more per movie for a 4D experience.

Consider buying your movie tickets in bulk at stores like Costco or those gift certificate kiosks at your grocery store. Buying in bulk often saves you a few bucks per ticket.


Dealflicks is a company dedicated to making deals with theaters in order to pass savings on to customers. Go to the site and enter in your zip code. It will then give a list of theaters with movies in your area that have deals available. The interface is easy to use and will let you know when the showing is, how much the discount is, and what the deal includes. You purchase a ticket along with a concession, and you can get both of them at a discount. Show your voucher at the theater and get the things you paid for.

The cost of a ticket and popcorn can often come out to less than the cost of a normal ticket itself. The ticket is often time-locked, so you’ll have a specific time you need to get there in order to collect on your purchase.

If you go to a lot of movies, have a larger family, or can split the set of tickets with friends, taking advantage of bulk movie ticket rates will probably make a lot of sense. They all never expire, so even if it takes a couple years to go through them, the savings might still make pre-paying all of your tickets worth it. After paying for shipping, the cost per ticket will range from $8-9.50 depending on the chain selected. That can cut the price per ticket in half compared to buying at the box office in a high cost of living location.

More and more movies are coming out in fancy formats. While these are a treat to audiences who love spectacle and wonder, they come at a cost. You pay for that luxury every time you see movies in IMAX or 3D. If you want to see movies for less of a cost, ask for tickets in standard format. You can easily save a few bucks. There may be some movies that are better in 3D, but you don’t need to watch every single one that way.

Movie Tickets Through Streaming Services

Some streaming services, such as VUDU, offer movie ticket discounts with an incentive to save on the film when it’s released on digital or Blu-Ray.

At the time Transformers: The Last Knight was realeased, VUDU was offering a bundle deal to purchase all of the Transformers movies released thus far including the latest release.

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