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AMC Grand Rapids 18 – Walker Michigan

AMC Grand Rapids 18 Movie Theater Located in Walker, Michigan.

AMC Grand Rapids 18 is a movie theater located in Walker, Michigan. It is a modern movie theater that belongs to the AMC consolidated chain of theaters. These theaters usually provide amenities such as online ticketing, reserved seating, mobile ticketing, and play the latest movie releases. When ordering tickets for the AMC Grand Rapids 18, it’s possible to earn theater rewards, and qualify for discounts and special rewards.

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discount movie tickets

Consider buying your movie tickets in bulk at stores like Costco or those gift certificate kiosks at your grocery store. Buying in bulk often saves you a few bucks per ticket.

If you have the time to spare, get a part-time job at a theater and start getting in for free. If you have kids that are looking for their first job, steer them in the direction of a movie theater and take advantage of their benefits.

Before checking out other sites, check out the main website of the theater first because most of the time, there are really good deals that you can find. Also, if you are a student, you can get automatic discounts just by presenting a valid ID proving that you are a student.

Movie Theater Loyalty Programs

Movie theater loyalty programs give some of the best deals. If you frequent either Regal Cinemas or AMC, joining is a no-brainer because it’s completely free. AMC also offers a premium paid membership that may be valuable if you watch a lot of movies. Take a look at two of the largest movie theater chain’s loyalty programs, but don’t forget to check if any smaller chains near you offer something similar.

Movie Gift Cards

There are a number of sites that deal in unused gift cards, which you can use to get discounts on movie tickets. How it works is that users sell their gift cards to a site for a portion of their value say, 80% or less. Then the site sells you the gift card for less than the card was initially worth, like $20 for a $25 gift card. You buy the card and use it, simple as that.

You can use a site like CardCash or Gift Card Granny. Gift Card Granny is especially great if you have a chain theater in your town because they have individual store pages for all of the major outlets.

Going to the movies is still one of the most favorite past-time of most people. But it’s not that affordable anymore, especially if you count in the snacks you are going to purchase, the meals you are going to have after, and how many you are in a group that’s going to see a movie. That’s why more and more people are now looking for different ways on how to get discount movie tickets. If you’re one of those people, these ways might be able to help you get the savings you’re craving for.

Visit daily deal sites. Websites like Groupon and LivingSocial have offered deals on movie prices through ticketing websites, such as Fandango. Oftentimes, these offers will be for a certain percentage off or for a flat rate price for two tickets. It’s worth checking before heading out to the theater to see if any good deals are currently available.

Seek out local film festivals. Similar to buying tickets in bulk, most film fests offer package deals. These deals are more expensive up front but if you plan on seeing more than one movie they will save you money in the long run. Oftentimes, tickets to see films shown at film fests aren’t as expensive either and it’s a great way to see non-mainstream movies you might never have heard of.

Go to movies at less popular times or at less expensive theaters. This could mean going to the first show of the day, or on a Monday night instead of Friday night.

Many theaters periodically host marathons of related movies. While admission is more expensive than an individual ticket, it is often less than what you’d pay to see each movie separately.

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